Operating Standard
Type: Administrative
Related Policies: A7300
Linked Procedures:
Related Laws:
Related Standards:
HLC Criterion:
Shawnee Community College will attempt to make its facilities available for use by individuals and community groups in the district when possible. The following policies will be used in regulating the use of the College facilities.
Guidelines to be used for request approval
- The order of priority of use of College facilities shall be:
- College instructional purposes as regularly scheduled.
- Non‑regularly scheduled College learning activities.
- Activities sponsored by the College.
- Activities sponsored by College organizations (including regional, state, or national activities).
- Activities sponsored by other non-profit educational or governmental
- Activities sponsored by local non‑educational, public community service agencies or organizations.
- Activities sponsored by local non‑educational, non‑public community service agencies or organizations.
- Activities sponsored by not‑for‑profit community groups.
- Activities sponsored by for‑profit community organizations.
- Other activities.
- The President of the college has final approval authority on facility requests.
- A fee shall be assessed to cover the cost of required maintenance, custodial, and security services provided to organizations in categories F-J.
- Requests to use the facilities shall be submitted to the President’s Office of the College or his/her designated representative.
- All requests should be submitted to the College at least two (2) weeks in advance of the date requested. A signed facility‑use agreement must be signed by the authorized organizational representative and returned to the College at least one (1) week in advance of the event.
- Special consideration will be given a request if the use requested is of an educational or community service nature.
- If the activity for which the facilities are being requested could lead to a riot or civil disorder, divisiveness or undue controversy in the College community, the request shall be denied as determined by the President or his/her designee.
- No activity shall violate any local, state, or federal laws.
- College facilities may be used for religious meetings in accordance with applicable College policies and state laws not to exceed two requests per fiscal year per religious organization. (Fiscal Year = July 1, xxxx – June 30, xxxx)
- No approval will be given for any activity that would advocate the violent overthrow of the government of the United States.
- The group using the facility must adhere to the same policies governing the use of the facility as the students, faculty, and staff. This means that alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs will be neither sold nor consumed on the campus.
- Shawnee Community College prohibits the use of tobacco products inside college facilities (owned, leased, or occupied by Shawnee Community College), college vehicles, and on all college property. This includes the burning of any type of cigar, cigarette, pipe, electronic cigarette, or any other smoking equipment. The use of smokeless/chewing tobacco is also prohibited.
- At the College’s request, it shall be the obligation of a user to obtain any insurance protection beyond the public liability protection carried by the College.
- Any changes in the number of people attending or the cancellation of this activity must be made to the Executive Office, extension 3260, at least 48 hours in advance. Failure to do so may result in the loss of future privileges to reserve rooms at Shawnee Community College, and/or a charge of $35.00.
- No dancing will be allowed without the use of a dance floor which can be rented from the college.
- If requested by the College, to name Shawnee Community College in all advertising and promotional notices for the activity/event.
Special Facility Considerations
- Outdoor facilities may be open to use by the general public at all times when specific use is not being made of that facility by the College. Such use must conform to the general use for which the facility was constructed or maintained. The varsity baseball field, softball field, and pond are not for general use by the public.
- There shall be no hunting, collection, destruction, or removal of wildlife, plant or animal life, on or from the campus of the College except during special student/staff activities with the written approval of the College President.
Date of Change | Description of Change | Governance Unit |