To receive services, students should:
- Self-disclose disability and apply for services.
- Provide verifying documentation.
- Visit the Accessibility and Resource Office to determine what accommodation best meet your needs based on the documentation and information provided.
- Meet with a teacher and/or visit the Accessibility and Resource Office as needed and self-advocate regarding needs.

In addition to providing support services to students, The Accessibility and Resource Office supports faculty in providing student accommodations. We also provide faculty training and education opportunities related to accessibility and teaching students with disabilities.
The Accessibility and Resource Office coordinates accommodations, auxiliary aids, support services and resources for students at all SCC sites as well as its satellite locations.
Shawnee Community College is committed to diversity & inclusion and promotes student access to an equitable college experience. Services are coordinated in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act.
We serve a diverse group of students including those with physical, vision, hearing, psychiatric, medical, neurological, autism spectrum, ADHD, learning disabilities and cognitive disabilities. We also coordinate temporary accommodations for students that experience significant injury or illness.
Guidelines on Documentation
- Students should submit current documentation from a qualified professional which indicates the following:
- Diagnosis of disability.
- How the disability affects your education.
- Recommendations on the best way to meet the student’s needs are appreciated and will be considered when determining accommodations.
- To best serve the students in our area, Shawnee Community College will accept copies of IEP’s or 504 plans from the student’s high school.
- Check your documentation to be sure it is current (within the past five years).
- The documentation must support the accommodation requested.
Description of Facilities
Shawnee Community College has provided the following in an effort to meet the needs of people with disabilities:
- Automatic doors, handicap accessible restrooms, and access ramps, are provided throughout campus.
- Handicap accessible parking is readily available at all Shawnee Community College sites.
- Elevators are located in the K and L buildings of the main campus in Ullin. The Alexander, Johnson, Massac, and Union County locations are single level buildings.
Contact for More Information
Accessibility and Resource Office
Phone: (618) 634-3316