Program Assessment

Program Assessment at SCC

The assessment process at the program level is informed by the program mission statement and results of course level student learning outcomes. For the sake of the annual assessment process, SCC considers each assessment entity as a program, not just the academic programs. SCC also has identified several co-curriculars as assessment entities.

Co-curriculars are learning activities, programs, and experiences that reinforce SCC’s mission and values and complement the formal curriculum. SCC has identified the following co-curriculars for assessment: Athletics, Ag/Advocates Club, Cosmetology Club, Esports Club, Student Book Club, Music Club, Phi Theta Kappa, Student Ambassadors, and Student Senate. Annually, all assessment entities develop a detailed assessment plan using the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Planning Form .

The CQI process ensures that programs’ missions are evaluated on an annual basis to determine relevance and alignment with institution level outcomes, as well as their respective accreditation, industry, and /or licensing standards. Program goals and observable, measurable program-specific objectives, both of which are explicitly aligned the SCC Strategic Plan , are written to support the program mission. SCCES Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are selected from the strategies to which those objectives are aligned as performance measures which will be analyzed when closing the loop. The desired targets for the year and specific actions necessary to reach those targets, including the assignment of the responsible party for follow-up and reporting, are detailed.  Resources needed, including any budgetary requests, to successfully achieve the program goals are determined and submitted to the respective budget managers.  Findings are annually reported according to the determined program goals, and assist with the identification of desired changes to existing programs or development of new programs.

In addition to the program-specific objectives, program Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) are written to support the program goals and, in turn, the mission of the program. Relevant artifacts are identified for each SLO and the measure of expectation is determined. An interpretation is generated from the raw data gained through the evaluation of the artifacts, and follow-up actions are determined.

When determining the program-specific objectives and SLOs, programs incorporate the feedback from the ICCB 5-year program review and other relevant data (e.g., labor market need, cost effectiveness, disaggregated analyses of program delivery methods, etc.), while completing their CQI.